Friday 2 December 2011



Harry Potter is a very interesting book. There are 7 books in this series:
1.  Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
2.  Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets
3.  Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban
4.  Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire
5.  Harry Potter and the Order Of Phoenix
6.  Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
7.  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

1.    Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
This is the first book of the Harry Potter series. Harry in his childhood was always bullied by his cousin Dudley Dursley. Harry’s aunt and uncle were always rude to him. Harry meets Rubeus Hagrid, the game keeper of Hogwarts. Hagrid informs Harry that he is a wizard. He asks Harry to join Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry. When Harry goes to Hogwarts, he meets Ron and Hermione and they becomes friends. Then he meets Draco Malfoy, who will become his enemy. Harry knows about Lord Voldemort, who killed his parents. Voldemort was trying to steel the philosopher’s stone. Harry prevents him. What will happen?

2.    Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets
Harry knows about the chamber of secrets and it is somewhere inside Hogwarts. Harry finds that it is in the old girl’s bathroom. Harry knows that he is a parseltongue. He meets Tom Riddle and destroy his diary as well as Bacillisk with the help of Fawk and the sword of Gryffindor.

3.    Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban
Harry meets his godfather Sirius Black who was convicted for the mass murder which was done by Peter Pettigrew. He rescues his godfather from Azkaban, the wizard jail.

4.    Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire
Harry takes part in Triwizard tournament. But voldemort gains power again.

5.    Harry Potter and the Order Of Phoenix
Harry knows more about him and voldemort through the prophecy.

6.    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Harry knows more about voldemort and the half blood prince.

7.    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
This is the last  part of the Harry Potter series.
Harry destroys all the horcruxes and Voldemort.

·       Harry James Potter
·       Ronald Bilius Weasley
·       Hermione Jean Granger
·       Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
·       Tom Maravalo Riddle (Voldemort)
·       Severus Thobias snape
·       Minerva McGonagall
·       Rubeus Hagrid
·       Sirius Arbitrary Black
·       Draco Malfoy
·       Dobby

·       Avada Kedavra - for killing (Forbidden Spell)
·       Crucio               - to torture (Forbidden Spell)
·       Imperio             -  to control(Forbidden Spell)
·       Sectumsempra -  to give bleeding(Half Blood          Prince)
·       Levicorpus        - to turn upside down(Half Blood Prince)
·       Luminous           - light
·       Sonorous           - sound
·       Alohomora         - unlock
·       Expelliarmus      - disarm
·       Riddiculus          - for boggarts
·       Expecto Patronum- against demendors
·       Impodimento       - short time control

·       James Potter  - Prongs
·       Sirius Black    - Padfoot
·       Remus Lupin   - Moony
·       Peter Pettigrew- Wormtail

·       Harry Potter is the only person who has survived the Avada Kedavra spell.
·       Snape is the master of occlumency.
·       Dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer.
·       Harry gave his children these names: James, Lily, AlbusSeverus (Dumbledore+Snape)

·       Elder Wand                 (Deathly Hallows)
·       Invisible Cloak             (Deathly Hallows)
·       Resurrection Stone      (Deathly Hallows)
·       Sword of Gryffindor (Godric Gryffindor)
·       Hufflepuff’s Cup       (Helga Hufflepuff)
·       Lost Diadem            (Rowena Ravenclaw)
·       Slytherin’s Chain      (Salazar Slytherin)



1. Tom Riddle’s Diary
2. Ring
3. Chain of Slytherin
       4. Hufflepuff’s Cup

5. Lost Diadem
6. Harry Potter
7. Nagini
8. Voldemort


FRIENDSHIP (eenie meenie)

FRIENDSHIP (eenie meenie)
Friendship is nothing, we can often think of
Friendship is something, we can never think of
Friendship is everything, we can’t even think of
Oh you’re my best friend, I can never leave you

You are the friend who I like, I love
Just waiting for you outside the house
You are my friend who I love, I like
Just waiting for you inside my heart

Can’t make up my mind mind mind mind mind
Please don’t break my heart heart heart heart heart
And I do wanna rewind wind wind wind wind
Cause our friendship could be taken aback

Cause you’re my only friend who I love the most (4)

                                                            - Joyal Tojo



No sunshine No moonlight
No sun No star
No beauty No smile

I’m deserted
I’m deserted
I’m deserted all over
I’m deserted all the time

Hey, my friend,
The sun is waiting for you
Hey, my friend,
A smile is waiting for you
Hey, my friend,
Sunshines are waiting for you
Hey, my friend,
The beauty is waiting for you

-        Joyson Saji
-        Joyal tojo
-        Isaac Philipose


Mathematics is fun
For all and everyone
Mathematics have signs
That solve many problems
If you know Mathematics,
Then you can….
Add your money
Subtract the problems
Multiply your smile
And divide it among those
Who need it the most

-        Sam Stephen Paulson
-        Isaac Philipose


On a cold freezing day
In a dark damp room
I saw a red faced girl
In a state of slumber

Her eyes were black
But filled with tears
Her cheeks were red
But tears were flood

Her hair was black and curly
But it was fluttering in the wind
Her lips were red
But it was seeking for love

At last with a broken heart
She told me that
She was an ‘Orphan’

                                           -Isaac Philipose


Jesus the saviour

Jesus with the lamb
Oh my jesus! Jesus Christ
You are my lord! you are my heart!
Oh my jesus! Jesus Christ
You are my lord! you are my heart!

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Oh you don’t leave me
Into the pond of hatred
Into that pond of bad deeds
Save me, Save me, Save me

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Oh my jesus! Jesus Christ
You are my lord! you are my heart!
Oh my jesus! Jesus Christ
You are my lord! you are my heart!

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Never let me go from your safe hands
Cause you are  my lord who loves me
I must be safe from bad dreams
I must be safe from bad deeds

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Oh my jesus! Jesus Christ
You are my lord! you are my heart!
Oh my jesus! Jesus Christ
You are my lord! you are my heart!

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

La! La! La! La! La! La!