Wednesday 2 December 2015

 The narrator is obsessed with a girl whom he saw a few days back. He observes her when she is walking through the streets. But he realizes that she is a terrorist. He kills her by forcing the cyanide hung on her neck into her mouth and thus saves the people.

I was walking across the streets watching youngsters’ roadrash
But I couldn’t enjoy it even for a flash 
My thoughts were all about how much cash
I was ready to spend to know that girl with the camouflage

I first saw her when I was in a smash
With my friends about the game ‘Diner Dash’
From outside she seemed so harsh like she would slash
How could I forget that girl with the camouflage

I could see my past in her beautiful eye and eyelash
But it burned me like I would’ve turned into ash
I could feel her strong desire to reveal her face behind the sash
Oh my god! I can’t forget that girl with the camouflage

Her cute smile makes me feel like I’m trash
Unable to figure out her ideas which hurt me like lash
I wanted to assemble all her thoughts and enjoy that collage
And I was longing to see what’s behind the mask of that girl with the camouflage

She was standing amidst the people crowded like mash
When I went near, I saw her holding something so tightly like she’d make it squash
I shockingly realized that it was a grenade aimed at the crowd for a crash
A white glass capsule was hung on the neck of the girl with the camouflage

I caught her neck from behind and forced it into her mouth in a dash
I saw her suffocating and bubbles coming out of her mouth like splash
As she struggled, she turned back and saw my moustache
In a moment, she was dead, the girl with the camouflage

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